This is one of those situations where the cover up is worse than the crime...well, it's just as bad. As I stated in Sex in a Patrol Car is A-OK, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of The Tucson Police Department Executive Leadership Team is aware of this incident, and they have no plans to fix it.
I will address that failure soon but here we're going to focus on the people who "handled" this investigation, and by "handled," I mean the people who steered this investigation to a point where it sorta just went away.
The "case officer" for this investigation was Sergeant Mickey Petersen. He has since been promoted 2x and he is currently a Captain.
The Office of Professional Standards Commander was Lieutenant Chris Dennison. He has also been promoted 2x and he is currently an Assistant Chief.
The Bureau Chief for this investigation was Assistant Chief Kevin Hall. He's still an Assistant Chief with the Tucson Police Department.
Our investigation, which is an actual fact-finding investigation, will show the inappropriate and sometimes illegal actions taken by these "leaders." Their reports will be posted so you can compare their rookie-level investigative skills to Arizona law.
And Another Thing...
The two commanders who actually investigated this matter for the series of on-duty sex crimes that it was, Captain Matt Ronstadt and Lieutenant James Brady, are the only two who can say they did their jobs appropriately. As you saw above, the "commanders" who violated their oaths and made these sex crimes go away were swiftly promoted through the ranks. Shortly after the conclusion of this "investigation," Captain Ronstadt retired. Lieutenant Brady just retired in 2024. You'll notice both of these men retired at the same rank they held after they did the right thing in this investigation. It's almost like the Tucson Police Department values commanders who will do whatever they are told to do even if it means violating the oaths they swore to uphold. Just remember that "Integrity" is a Tucson PD core value.
Give me a little time here and I will get this thing going! I HAVE MUCH, MUCH MORE!