Before we begin, we’re going to point a few things…
-The Office of Professional Standards is often referred to as the “Rat Squad” in this report. Let us explain that one. Cops close to Tucson’s Corrupt have been investigated by this group on many occasions. Sometimes our guys get professional investigators and we appreciate those people. We can only imagine what a difficult and thankless job it would be to be the police’s police. We guess it would be much harder to go after dirty cops than to pretend they don’t exist. Sometimes, the cops we know are treated to the corrupt Rats Squad Investigators. The Rat Squad Investigator is a type of investigator who steers an investigation to the predetermined conclusion, often times ignoring facts and exculpatory information. The steering of these investigations based on what a commander, or in this case, an Assistant Chief demands, disgusts every real cop out there and 100% of the public that we have spoken to. The “cops” who ignore facts usually do it to “earn” their next promotion. The next stripe, the next bar, or the next star is more important than doing what they swore to do and it is more important than their own credibility and their own honor.
-This investigation left us with a question. We were always told the Office of “Professional” Standards conducts an objective investigation. That investigation is then sent to the accused member’s chain of command, and it is that chain of command decides if and what punishment is appropriate. In this investigation, SGT Scott’s chain of command determined SGT Scott’s employment with the Tucson Police Department was to be terminated. As you will read, that never happened. Personnel from OPS make several recommendations and ignored the fact that SGT Scott and Corina (see below), committed several misdemeanor sex acts while SGT Scott was on-duty. I guess we’re just making things up as we go…
-As we looked into this investigation, through the 1024 pages, we could see that there seemed to be a lot of fluff. We could see that there are literally hundreds of pages of unit histories and unit statuses. We also noticed that there were several Personnel Reports, City of Tucson Memorandums, and transcripts from interviews that are included within these 1024 pages multiple times. Then we found 1 or 2 pages of something that seems to be buried within the fluff. Why?
-The Office of “Professional” Standards along with personnel from Tucson PD Human Resources classified SGT Scott’s date in this investigation a victim. She is not a victim. She was engaging in these sex acts voluntarily. She was labeled a victim in this investigation based on her participation in a different extra-marital affair with a DIFFERENT married cop (read “The Bonus Track” to refresh your memory). In that investigation she was not a victim either unless we want to call her a victim of her own bad decisions. So we’re taking a stand here, she is NOT a victim; we’re just going to call her Corina.
-We will throw out another observation. Why is this investigation 1024 pages long? We understand it went on for a long time. SGT Scott faced termination, which turned into demotion, which turned into a 40-hour suspension. Here’s what we think: This investigation is about the shadiest thing we have seen Tucson PD’s Office of “Professional” Standards produce (and that is saying something!). We believe this investigation is NECESSARILY long and complicated. It needs to be 1024 pages so they can hide their corruption within the hundreds of pages of fluff and documents being stuffed into this investigation over and over again.
-We really don’t know how this investigation is supposed to be structured but we THINK, more or less, the newest stuff is on top and older stuff is on the bottom. We back that theory up with ZERO science! Let’s get started…
Pages 1-7: This is the standard “Table of Contents” put together by SGT Mickey Petersen of the Rat Squad. This is HIS investigation. We believe this “Table of Contents” is misleading and leaves out a lot that will be explained by our Table of Contents.
8: Here is the “Notice of Decision” that allows SGT Scott to avoid demotion and serve a 40-hour suspension. You will see this again on page 34.
9: This is the seven-day intent to discipline and notice of discipline (demotion) for SGT Scott. You will see this again on pages 14 and 35 because…reasons.
10: Here’s the PARF for SGT Scott’s 40-hour suspension
11-13: This is the Attachment A for this investigation. It is basically a synopsis of what happened. In this case, it’s an explanation for why it is NOT illegal for an on-duty supervisor to commit sex acts while the Tucson Police Department will and do arrest the citizens of Tucson for doing the same damn thing (See Tucson PD case report 1510220401 in this investigation for the story of a couple who were arrested in Reid Park-Equal Protection Under the Law is Not Mentioned). You will see this again on page 36 and then again on page 552.
14: This is the seven-day intent to discipline and notice of discipline (demotion) for SGT Scott. This is the same document you saw on page 9 and will see again on page 35.
15: This is an “ARS 38-1106 Notice of Disclosure.”
16: This is a Personnel Report authored by an unknown person. It is the report where Assistant Chief Kevin Hall recommends demotion for SGT Scott. We looked further and found that this appears to the same Personnel Report written by Captain Ronstadt on 11/20/2018. Another copy of that report is on pages 54-55 of the Office of “Professional” Standard’s “investigation.” We’re not sure why page 2 of this report is not in there.
18-17: This is a Personnel Report authored by LT J Brady on 11/20/2018. At the end of this report, LT J Brady recommends demotion to the rank of officer.
19-20: This is the City of Tucson Memorandum authored by Chief Chris Magnus to LT Dennison of the Rat Squad. In this 2-page memo, Chief Magnus talks tough, he says things like “Put simply, this conduct reflects an egregious lack of judgment from any member of this agency, but from a supervisor, it is nothing short of appalling. Without question, the actions of Sergeant Scott fall woefully short of that which is expected of a sergeant, the most critical department supervisory position.”
21-23: This is a City of Tucson Memorandum authored by Assistant Chief Kevin Hall (11/5/2018) to Chief Chris Magnus. This is a 5-page memo excusing SGT Scott’s behavior. Like the Rat Squad personnel, Chief Hall repeats the lie that there was no sexual activity and therefore, no criminal violations. We ask our readers to read the details of ARS 13-1403 (Public Sexual Indecency) or you can look on pages 620-621 of OPS’s “investigation.
24-26: This is a City of Tucson Memorandum authored by Captain Ronstadt (10/22/2018) to Chief Chris Magnus and Assistant Kevin Chief Hall. This memo is supposed to be 5 pages long. However, pages 2 and 4 are not there. We’re not sure why.
27-31: This is a City of Tucson Memorandum authored by LT J Brady (10/22/2018) to Chief Magnus, Assistant Chief Kevin Hall, and Captain M Ronstadt. This is the same memo you’ll see on page 108. The difference is the version on page 108 contains 14 pages; this version is cut off at 5. We’re not sure why.
32: This is the Suspension Checklist for the Rat Squad reference this investigation.
33-34: This is the PARF for SGT Scott’s 40-hour suspension and the “Notice of Decision” which shows SGT Scott’s punishment is a 40-hour suspension. This “Notice of Decision” is the same one you saw on page 8.
35: This is the seven-day intent to discipline and notice of discipline (demotion) for SGT Scott. This is the same document you saw on pages 9 and 14.
36-38: This is the Attachment A for this investigation. It is basically a synopsis of what happened. In this case, it’s an explanation for why it is NOT illegal for an on-duty supervisor to commit sex acts while the Tucson Police Department will and do arrest the citizens of Tucson for doing the same damn thing. (See Tucson PD case report 1510220401 in this investigation for the story of a couple who were arrested in Reid Park-Equal Protection Under the Law is Not Mentioned for obvious reasons). This is the document you will see on pages 36-38 and on pages 552-554.
39: This appears to be a Telestaff entry that shows that SGT Scott served his 40-hour suspension on February 4-7, 2019
40-45: This is SGT Mickey Petersen’s Personnel Report and clearly his turn to justify SGT Scott’s actions while on duty. In this report, he comes to the conclusion which, shockingly (sarcasm intended), is the exact same conclusion that Assistant Chief Kevin Hall came to. **Remember, the Rat Squad is only supposed to investigate. SGT Scott’s chain of command determines the punishments. Why is SGT Mickey Petersen making determinations on what SGT Scott did? **
46-49: This Personnel Report is authored by SGT Mickey Pedersen and LT Chris Dennison from the Rat Squad. These two spend 4 pages justifying the inexcusable behavior by SGT Scott. These two guys LIE in this report. They repeatedly stated that there was no criminal activity. These guys have been around long to know AZ Law was violated MULTIPLE TIMES. They chose to cover it up. Let’s take a second look at the last line in LT Chris Dennison’s part of this report. He wrote “This investigation is being forwarded to his chain of command for review and recommendation.” As you read throughout Table of Contents, ask yourself if you believe the Rat Squad completed an unbiased investigation and then sent it to the TPD Midtown Chain of Command so THEY could make a decision? Things did not happen that way.
50-53: This is the same report you see on pages 46-49. We don’t know why it would be in here twice.
54-55: This is the Personnel Report authored by Captain Ronstadt. Like LT Brady’s report below, this report was written after the writing was on the wall that, for whatever reason, the Executive Leadership Team and the Rat Squad were not going to fire SGT Scott for his despicable behavior. Captain Ronstadt recommends demotion. At the top of that report, you can see where Assistant Chief Kevin Hall writes “Concur Demotion K Hall #32623.” Then, next to that you see where Chief Magnus signed off on SGT Scott’s demotion to the rank of officer. Both of the chiefs concurred with demotion on 11/21/2018.
56-59: This is another Personnel Report authored by LT J Brady. This is clearly after the writing was on the wall for SGT Scott not being fired. In this report, LT Brady points out that SGT Scott CLEARLY cannot work without direct supervision and he recommends that SGT Scott be demoted to the rank of officer. LT Brady also points out that SGT Scott had a complaint of failing to supervise as a result of the Rat Squad investigation documented under 17-0447. The failure to supervise (17-0447) was sustained. Just so we all know, this investigation was in regards to the failure to investigate a child abuse/ dirty house case. This investigation was less than a year prior to SGT Scott having sexual contact in his patrol car while on duty. This report is 4 pages long but the second the fourth pages are empty, we’re not sure why.
60-65: This is the Personnel Report authored by Captain Ronstadt (10/4/2018). It is 6 pages long, but the last page is blank. Captain Ronstadt recommends termination for SGT Scott.
66-68: This is the City of Tucson Memorandum authored by Assistant Chief Kevin Hall. This memo was addressed to Chief Chris Magnus, and it is 3 pages of making excuses for SGT Scott’s inexcusable behavior. Assistant Chief Kevin Hall stated there was no criminal activity between SGT Scott and his girlfriend. Read it. It’s pathetic.
69-74: This is the City of Tucson Memorandum authored by Captain M Ronstadt (10/22/2018). In this memo, Captain Ronstadt reiterates the facts laid out by LT Brady. He finds that SGT Scott did lie about his actions; he failed to supervise, and also sustained the complaint for SGT Scott’s actions on duty.
75-80: This is the Personnel Report authored by SGT Pedersen from the Rat Squad. As you can see, he spends 6 pages justifying what SGT Scott did with his girlfriend and finds that SGT Scott did not lie during all of the times he lied in his interviews, and he NEVER failed to supervise during all of those times he was committing sex acts on duty.
94-81: Another Personnel Report authored by LT J Brady (10/4/2018). This one is 14 pages of documentation of what you should NOT do if you are a Tucson Police Sergeant in charge of a squad and sometimes an entire division. In this Personnel Report, LT Brady recommends SGT Scott be terminated from the Tucson Police Department. Captain Ronstadt concurs with termination.
95-107: This LT J Brady’s 13-page Personnel Report 10/4/2018. We ask our readers to pay attention to who is holding people accountable and who is trying to sweep this under the rug.
108-121: This is a City of Tucson Memorandum that was sent to Chief Chris Magnus, Assistant Chief Kevin Hall, and Captain Ronstadt. It was written by LT J Brady on 10/22/2018. LT Brady was attempting to compel Assistant Chief Kevin Hall and Chief Chris Magnus to do the right thing. Clearly, this fell on deaf ears. This lays out what SGT Scott did on duty, in uniform, in a marked patrol car, with a person that was not his wife. Again, this is damning.
122-123: This e-mail exchange is in regards to SGT Scott being punished for Failing to Supervise in 2017
124-142: This report appears to be from, or a part of a report completed by LT Brady. We say that because there is clearly some investigating going on which rules out the Rat Squad and Assistant Chief Kevin Hall.
143: Here’s an e-mail from City HR to the Rat Squad reference the termination PARF for SGT Scott.
144-152: Here are some more transcripts from a 911 call. Yes, the same one where SGT Scott’s girlfriend was grabbed…
153-155: Transcripts of a 911 call reference the incident where SGT Scott’s girlfriend was grabbed at Reid Park
156-157: This is the notification to Tucson City Court, Pima County Attorney’s Office, and the Office of the Attorney General that SGT Scott was placed on Imposed Leave With Pay and an e-mail from the Rat Squad advising a City of Tucson legal advisor.
158-159: Here’s an e-mail exchange between the Rat Squad and the Sergeant in charge of the Tucson Police Department’s Adult Sex Assault Detail. It appears SGT Mickey Petersen from the Rat Squad wants to notify the unit of the pervert that SGT Scott caught grabbing at his girlfriend in the incident documented under Tucson PD case number 1807160622. As you can see, SGT Mickey Petersen lists the case number incorrectly in his e-mail (180716022 does not exist). This is something that should’ve been sent to TPD ASA THAT NIGHT, not over 2 months later!
160-164: They included the article (or part of it) called “The 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Deception.” We don’t know why…
165-207: SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from September 19, 2018 @ 1736 hours (43 pages). Unlike the other Rat Squad interviews with SGT Scott that can be found in this “investigation” multiple times, we could only find 1 copy of this interview. There are 43 pages of transcripts to this interview. We think that what ISN’T there is more compelling than what IS there. Is there anything clarifying about SGT Scott’s multiple answers to the same questions over the last 3 interviews? Nope. Read it for yourself.
208-215: SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from September 11, 2018 @ 1950 hours (9 pages- pg 610 had 8 pages). These are the same transcripts you will see on pages 610-618 and again on pages 981-989. Why are these transcripts in here 3 times?! copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1947 hours (3 pages). These are the same transcripts you will see on pages 714-716, 718-720, and 743-745. Why is this in here 4 times?!?!
219-231: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1906 hours (13 pages). These are the same transcripts you will see on pages 589-601, 701-713, 721-733, and 747-759. Why is this in here 5 times?!?!
232-253: This is the Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1727 (22 pages) with Corina. *Please read this and let us know if you see how she is a victim, we just don’t see it.*
254: Here’s a Personnel Action Request for...well, we don’t know. All of the identifying information is redacted.
255-276: They have included the incident documented under Tucson PD case number 1605120036. It seems to include all reports and supplements to include e-mails regarding the hold on evidence. None of this seems to have an earthly reason to be in this investigation.
277: Here’s a completely redacted picture (?) with the OPS case number 18-0476 handwritten on it- We got nothing…
279-280: 2 e-mails regarding Det. Kishbaugh’s interview with the Rat Squad
281-284: Here are the transcripts of the meeting where SGT Scott is placed on Imposed Leave With Pay and his department property is confiscated (gun, badge, department ID, keys, etc). This little meeting has no introduction so there is no date, time, or location on it. This interview had 5 pages of transcripts. This is the same copy of transcripts you saw earlier in this table of contents…kinda. You see, on pages 281-284, you can see most of the transcripts (page 4 is missing). On pages 291-295, you get all 5 pages. On page 310, you just get page 1. On pages 489-493, you get all 5 pages. I’m sure there is a good reason to put parts of this in this investigation 4 times!
285-290: Some e-mails regarding some IT stuff
291-295: Here are the transcripts of the meeting where SGT Scott is placed on Imposed Leave With Pay and his department property is confiscated (gun, badge, department ID, keys, etc). This little meeting has no introduction so there is no date, time, or location on it. This is the same copy of transcripts you saw earlier in this table of contents…kinda. You see, on these transcripts and on pages 489-493, you get all 5 pages. On pages 281-284, you get most of the transcripts (page 4 is missing). On page 310, you only get page 1. I’m sure there is a good reason to put parts of this in this investigation 4 times!
296-304: This is the Rat Squad interview with Detective Kishbaugh. Det. Kishbaugh was assigned to do the background investigation on SGT Scott’s Reid Park “date.” These are the same transcripts that you’ll see on pages 494-502
305-306: Here are 2 pages regarding the Tucson Police Department’s policy on nepotism
307-309: This is the Rat Squad interview with LT Brady (August 23, 2018 @ 1351 hours)
310: Here are the transcripts of the meeting where SGT Scott is placed on Imposed Leave With Pay and his department property is confiscated (gun, badge, department ID, keys, etc). This little meeting has no introduction so there is no date, time, or location on it. This is the same copy of transcripts you saw earlier in this table of contents…kinda. You see, you only get page 1 here. On pages 281-285 you see most of the transcripts (page 4 is missing). On pages 291-295 and pages 489-493, you get all 5 pages. I’m sure there is a good reason to put parts of this in this investigation 4 times!
311-312: In these 2 pages you will see the receipt or documentation for an audio file, possibly for an interview, as well as an e-mail that stated, “Here is his interview.”
313-314: Here are 2 pages of Unit Histories from 7/16/2018
315-375: By our math, we have 60 pages of case reports from 2010, 2011, and 2012. They have nothing to do with this investigation so WHY ARE THEY HERE??? By the way the case numbers are 1101220054, 1012190700, 1011070661, 1012040920, 1012040900, 1012190700, 1206300031, 1101220054, 1208270130, and 1208230225.
376-404: Well we would love to hear the explanation for this one! Why would they include “The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy- The Definition of Lying and Deception?????” This is a 29 page SOMETHING- Why is it in here?????
405-408: Here is a page of Tucson PD General Orders, 2 pages of Tucson City Code, and a Rat Squad e-mail reference the shredding of the transcripts of an interview.
436-409: Here are some case reports, Event Chronology, and Event Information for some case reports (1209100098, 1307020476, 1211140274, 1704170171 as well as a field contact from Park Place Mall that SGT Scott had nothing to do with).
437-446: Here are some transcripts of 911 calls and radio traffic from patrol.
447-449: This is 3 more pages of Event Information from a division where SGT Scott does NOT work!
450-473: This is 24 pages of Unit Histories from ODE. SGT Scott was assigned to Operations Division Midtown. Why is THIS in here?!
474-480: This is a case report and Event Information for an Operations Division East call that doesn’t look like it belongs in this investigation AT ALL. So why is it here?!
481-488: Here is some more Event Unit Information (E123190836). We’re not sure this relates to this investigation.
489-493: Here are the transcripts of the meeting where SGT Scott is placed on Imposed Leave With Pay and his department property is confiscated (gun, badge, department ID, keys, etc). This little meeting has no introduction so there is no date, time, or location on it. This is the same copy of transcripts you saw earlier in this table of contents…kinda. On pages 281-285 you see most of the transcripts (page 4 is missing). On pages 291-295 you get all 5 pages and on page 310, you only get page 1. I’m sure there is a good reason to put parts of this in this investigation 4 times!
494-502: This is the Rat Squad interview with Detective Kishbaugh. Det. Kishbaugh was assigned to do the background investigation on SGT Scott’s Reid Park “date.” These are the same transcripts that you’ll see on pages 296-304.
503-505: This is the Rat Squad interview with LT Brady (August 23, 2018 @ 1351 hours)
506-514: This is kind of weird. This report isn’t really a Personnel Report or a City Memo. There is no name attached as the author. The author sounds like he or she is making excuses for SGT Scott’s behavior so we’re going to assume the author is Assistant Chief Kevin Hall since he was running cover for SGT Scott in this investigation.
515-518: This is a Personnel Report completed by SGT Petersen and LT Dennison. Both were assigned to the Rat Squad for this investigation. They spend 4 pages justifying SGT Scott’s inexcusable actions. Would it surprise anyone if I told you that both of these guys have since been promoted two times? Mickey Petersen is now a Captain and Chris Dennison is an Assistant Chief!!
519-521: This is Personnel Report by Captain Ronstadt. He agrees that SGT Scott should be terminated from the Tucson Police Department for his actions.
522-534: This is another Personnel Report by LT Brady (also dated 10/4/2018), to us, this one is one of the more damning documents in this investigation. LT Brady lays out how an actual cop would look at SGT Scott’s actions. LT Brady leaves no question about what SGT Scott did and correctly recommends termination. We will tell anyone who will listen that LT Brady and Captain Ronstadt are the ONLY commanders involved in this incident who did their job honorably. The rest of the involved personnel should be disgusted with their actions as well as their inactions. They aren’t, but they will learn what we already know: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Stay tuned!
535-548: This is the Personnel Report by LT J Brady (10/4/2018) for this investigation. He recommends termination and Captain Ronstadt agrees. It is only when Chief Kevin Hall and his pet rats rewrite AZ Law to turn a series of criminal sex acts into a 40-hour suspension.
551-549: This is a Personnel Action Request for SGT Scott’s 40-hour suspension and 2 Intents to discipline (one is for demotion and the other is for a 40-hour suspension). Yep, this is the same “Intent to Discipline” (demotion) you saw on pages 9, 14, and 35 and this is the same “Notice of Decision” (40-hour suspension) that you saw on pages 8 and 34.
552-554: The Attachment A. This is a synopsis of the investigation…on page 552. (See Tucson PD case report 1510220401 in this investigation for the story of a couple who were arrested in Reid Park-Equal Protection Under the Law is Not Mentioned). This is the same Attachment A that you saw on pages 11-13 and 36-38.
555-565: Some more e-mails between the Rat Squad and some City of Tucson “leadership.” There are also notices of confidentiality for LT J Brady and Detective M Kishbaugh (poor Kish, he was just doing a background on SGT Scott’s girlfriend when he gets roped into this mess!)
566-568: This is documentation for putting SGT Scott on Imposed Leave With Pay based on the allegations of Failure to Supervise and Untruthfulness.
569: Not sure what this is. It seems to be documentation for an audio file. We’re not sure.
570-572: Tucson PD case number 1807160622. Again, this is where SGT Scott LIES about the victim in this case “did not identify herself” when we now know she called him directly.
573-588: more Unit Histories and Event Chronologies from 7/16/2018.
589-601: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1906(13 pages) This one is important so check out page 11 (of the interview) and see where SGT Scott admits to having his date in his patrol car after the events documented under Tucson PD case number 1807160622. These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 219-231, and they are the same you will see 701-713, 721-733, and 747-759. Why is this in here 5 times?!?!
602-606: More Unit Histories…
607-609: 3 pages reference a “911 call.” We don’t know why this is here.
610-618: SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from September 11, 2018 @ 1950 hours (9 pages). These are the same transcripts that you saw on pages 208-215 and you will see on pages 981-989. Why are these transcripts in here 3 times?!?!
619: Here’s a sheet with some Tucson PD General Orders that were NOT followed
620-621: **This is very important** This is information on the AZ Revised Statutes 13-1403/ PUBLIC SEXUAL INDECENCY. We have to assume that at some point, the Rat Squad KNEW this investigation should have been looked at for what it was…a series of criminal sex acts called public sexual indecency!
622-624: More e-mails about SGT Scott’s assigned patrol vehicle and GPS data for that data
626-627: This appears to be a Face Book post and a photo of the happy couple
627: THIS IS THE ACTUAL COMPLAINT! According to this, the happy couple was CAUGHT and the complainant asked what SGT Scott’s date’s profession was and she stated she was a “future TPD employee.” If this investigation has an actual victim, it is this person. Why is there no more talk of this person in this whole investigation?? Why is this on page 627??
628: Here’s an e-mail inquiring about ride along forms. **Corina was not required to complete a ride along form as she was an employee with the Tucson Police Department/Communications! **
629: Here is a piece of paper that is 100% redacted…it’s a huge block of black ink
630-632: More e-mails requesting GPS information for SGT Scott’s location throughout this investigation.
633: Another map… (There very well may be some pretty important information on this map but there is nothing else to it so it’s just another map
634-637: More e-mails…Take a look at page 635. It’s an e-mail between SGT Mickey Petersen and another detective regarding an elder abuse question that has NOTHING to do with this investigation. Why is that in here!?
638-639: 2 pages of DIMS paperwork that tells us nothing
640-654: More e-mails between commanders and the Rat Squad
655-656: another copy of the questions SGT Scott’s chain of command wanted the Rat Squad to ask of SGT Scott in his next interview. (Based on meeting on September 6, 2018)
675-662: More e-mails between commanders and the Rat Squad
665-663: Another copy of the questions SGT Scott’s chain of command wanted the Rat Squad to ask of SGT Scott in his next interview. (Based on meeting on September 6, 2018)
666-676: Several e-mails between commanders and the Rat Squad
677-698: This is the Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1727 (22 pages) with Corina.
699: An e-mail that says next to nothing
700: The Notice of Investigation
701-713: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1906 (13 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 219-231 and 589-601 and the same transcripts you will see on pages 721-733 and 747-759. Why is this in here 5 times?!?!
714-716: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1947 hours (3 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 216-218 and they are the same transcripts you will see on pages 718-720 and 743-745. Why is this in here 4 times?!?!
717: A Google Map
718-720: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1947 hours (3 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 216-218 and 714-716 and they are the same transcripts you will see on pages 743-745. Why are they in here 4 times?!?!
721-733: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1906 (13 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 219-231, 589-601, and 701-713 and they are the same transcripts you will see on pages 747-759. Why are they in here 5 times?!?!
734: Here’s an e-mail that says very little
739-735: This appears to be the additional questions SGT Scott’s chain of command had for the Rat Squad that were not asked in a previous interview. (Based on meeting on September 6, 2018)
742-740: 2 Google Maps and a picture of a bus. All presumably showing the locations where SGT Scott and his date committed criminal numerous sex acts
743-745: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1947 hours (3 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 216-218, 714-716, and 718-720. Why are they in here 4 times?!?!
746: This is an e-mail that says next to nothing
747-759: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from August 21, 2018 @ 1906 hours (13 pages). These are the same transcripts you saw on pages 219-231, 589-601, 701-713, and 721-733. Why is this in here 5 times?!?!
760-765: Here are some e-mails involving the Rat Squad and the command staff
766-781: These are case reports and Event Information for incidents that as far as we can tell, have nothing to do with this internal investigation
782: This is the Event Information for E181900871 (7/16/2018). We have no idea why it’s here
783-789: This investigation (Tucson PD case number 1807160622) documents an official lie by SGT Scott. He stated in his report that “the victim did not identify herself…” She actually did identify herself. She CALLED SGT Scott and reported the incident TO HIM! The Event Chronology is also included.
790-815: THIS little gem was hidden in THIS investigation but was actually a part of an investigation involving the same female, a Tucson PD Dispatcher, who was involved with SGT Scott. You’ll see that THIS report was created in December 2017 (1712080113), MONTHS before this home wrecker set her sights on the married SGT Scott. Read “The Bonus Track!” on this website for the synopsis on this garbage investigation to refresh your memory.
816-852: 36 pages of Unit Histories
853-854: These are the big ones! This is the request by SGT Mickey Petersen to remove the demotion PARF (admin talk) and create the 40-suspension PARF. Why is this buried on pages 853?
855: call information for E181971119 (this is the call that SGT Scott lied about. Details will be following very soon).
856-978: 122 pages of Unit Histories from several days to include 7/16/2018
979-980: 2 e-mails between SGT Petersen and LT Dennison that literally say nothing
981-989: ANOTHER copy of SGT Scott’s Rat Squad interview from September 11, 2018 @ 1950 hours (9 pages). These are the same transcripts that you saw on pages 208-215 and 610-618. Why are these transcripts in here 3 times?!?!
990-1024: We have some completely redacted photos and some e-mails between command staff and the Rat Squad.